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Serge Demeyer / Publication (Details)

Last updated on Thursday, November 16, 2023

  author =        {Brent van Bladel and Serge Demeyer},
  booktitle =     {Proceedings {VST} 2023 (IEEE Workshop on Validation,
                   Analysis and Evolution of Software Tests)},
  pages =         {913 -- 920},
  publisher =     {IEEE},
  title =         {A Comparative Study of Code Clone Genealogies in Test
                   Code and Production Code},
  year =          {2023},
  abstract =      {Recent research has shown that clones occur far more
                   often in test code than in production code. This is
                   explained by the typical template of unit test code
                   (the setup-stimulate- verify-teardown cycle), a
                   template which lends itself well to parameterisation
                   of proven solutions. However, little is known on how
                   these clones evolve over time. In this paper, we
                   compare the evolution of clones in test code with
                   those in production code. Based on a quantitative and
                   qualitative study of eight representative open-source
                   systems, we conclude that clones in test code are
                   inherently different than clones in production code
                   throughout development. As a consequence, consistent
                   maintenance and tracking of test clones becomes more
                   important, hence the need for special purpose clone
                   tracking and management tools.},
  annote =        {workshoppaper},
  doi =           {10.1109/SANER56733.2023.00110},

Serge Demeyer | Publications | E-mail Feedback